
ディチェザレデザイン『VOGUE JAPAN』掲載

DiCesare Pumpkin Umbrella in Vogue Magazine

This month’s Vogue once again features a series of Rhythm Pumpkin Umbrellas from DiCesare Designs. It’s a lovely photo shoot that combines the unique and stylish form of the Pumkinbrella with the classical elegance of Bally’s fashion legacy.


リズム 1トーン 雨傘

リズム 1トーン 雨傘

リズム 1トーン 雨傘



DiCesare Pumpkinbrella in Vogue Magazine ディチェザレデザイン ヴォーグ Pumpkinbrella 傘

Last month’s Vogue Japan featured a DiCesare Designs Pumpkin umbrella in a very elegant photo shoot for Bally’s 160th anniversary! In this wonderful recreation of an Bally poster from 1956, the model is shown holding a yellow DiCesare Designs Rhythm Ladies’ Pumpkin umbrella.  Congratulations go to Bally for such a prestigious legacy!


カボチャ日傘とパラシェル日傘 マリリン・デニス・ショー

DiCesare Umbrella Marylin Denis

パンプキン日傘とパラシェル日傘が、マリリン・デニスの番組に登場した!番組では、この夏、アウトドアで有害物質を使わずに過ごそうという内容だった。ドナ・ビショップはパンプキン日傘と一緒にポーズをとり、マリリンはこのパンプキン日傘を “次の大物 “と呼んだ!



DiCesare Pumpkin parasol Mickey Mouse Cocca



『夢みるデザイン プロダクト』掲載

DiCesare in Dreamy Design Products Book

This design book was just recently released here in Japan. The title in Japanese is 夢みるデザインプロダクト. Which is kind of difficult to express in English. I guess it means “dreamy” designs or perhaps “surreal” designs. The Kabocha parasols that we made in collaboration with Cocca are included in this wonderful little book. It’s on the bookshelves all across Japan now!



篠原ともえ DiCesare Shinohara Tomoe umbrella parasol

さて、ギャルリーワッツ での講演はなかなか良かった。時々おかしな日本語に辛抱強く付き合ってくれた参加者の皆さんに感謝している。デザインの背景にあるクリエイティブな要素について話し合う機会を持てたのはとてもよかった。特別なお客さんも来てくれた。篠原ともえだ!彼女はパラシェル日傘・クラシコ・ホワイトの日傘を手に取った。彼女にとてもよく似合っていました。彼女はとてもユニークな性格なので、このアイテムは彼女にぴったりです。

パラシェル クラシコ 日傘



ヴェリィ × 伊勢丹 × ディチェザレデザイン

DiCesare Isetan Shinjuku Very Pumpkin Umbrella

伊勢丹新宿店2階に新しいセレクトショップ「エレガントトラッド&モダンフェミニン」がオープンしました。 伊勢丹と雑誌『VERY』がコラボレーションしました。一緒に白黒リズムのかぼちゃ雨傘を作った。

リズム2トーン 雨傘




DiCesare Interview Jwave umbrella parasol

I went down to J Wave to do a promotion for a special Tokyo Premiere online Kabocha campaign. I always enjoy working with J Wave because they are kind and a lot of fun to work with.



DiCesare Designs Parashell Parasol Repubblica Magazine

Being that most of my business is based in Japan, it’s exciting to be covered in another language besides Japanese once in a while. This month a series of Parashell parasols were covered in Repubblica Delle Donne’s D Casa magazine.





DiCesare in Temps Style Magazine

When I first started DiCesare, we only had one parasol design (the Parashell). Then I made another (the Kabocha) Pumpkin Parasol and from that a Women’s umbrella was made (the Rhythm) Pumpkin Umbrella. Recently, we have come out with a Men’s umbrella called the GRANDE Pumpkin Umbrella. It is similar to the Rhythm in style but larger and stronger with a more robust handle. Recently TEMPS magazine did a story on it and interviewed me about the design.