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DiCesare Designs Joyful Rain Fair

DiCesare Umbrella joyfulRAIN Seibu Sogo

We made a special series of Limited Edition Men’s GRANDE’ umbrellas for Seibu/Sogo. They are really colorful and quite stylish! They are available at Ikebukuro Seibu, Shibuya Seibu, Chiba Sogo and Omiya Sogo in the Men’s section! Look for the Joyful Rain display!

GRANDE 2tone Umbrella

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The GRANDE Men’s Pumpkin Umbrella by DiCesare

DiCesare mens pumpkin umbrella

The GRANDE Men’s Pumpkin Umbrella has a unique profile when compared to other Men’s umbrellas. This men’s pumpkin umbrella has a sturdy oak shaft and has a flexible strong frame. It’s wide enough two people and very well balanced. But the main thing about it is that it looks great. Particularly with a nice suit! Here’s Jay busting a GRANDE Men’s Pumpkin Umbrella, looking good on a rainy night not long ago.

GRANDE 2tone Umbrella

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DiCesare Designs Men’s Pumpkin Umbrella in TEMPS Magazine

DiCesare in Temps Style Magazine

When I first started DiCesare, we only had one parasol design (the Parashell). Then I made another (the Kabocha) Pumpkin Parasol and from that a Women’s umbrella was made (the Rhythm) Pumpkin Umbrella. Recently, we have come out with a Men’s umbrella called the GRANDE Pumpkin Umbrella. It is similar to the Rhythm in style but larger and stronger with a more robust handle. Recently TEMPS magazine did a story on it and interviewed me about the design.

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DiCesare at Osaka – The Lobby

DiCesare Grande umbrella Lobby Osaka
