超高級日用品カタログ 2015.4月 4万8,000円の日傘 DiCesare Designs「カボチャ 京の傘」
超高級日用品カタログ 2015.4月 4万8,000円の日傘 DiCesare Designs「カボチャ 京の傘」
9/10-23 オンリーエムアイコレクションZAKKANISTA@日本橋三越本館1F ディチェザレの傘も展開中です☆9/10-23 オンリーエムアイコレクションZAKKANISTA@日本橋三越本館1F ディチェザレの傘も展開中です☆
Last month’s Vogue Japan featured a DiCesare Designs Pumpkin umbrella in a very elegant photo shoot for Bally’s 160th anniversary! In this wonderful recreation of an Bally poster from 1956, the model is shown holding a yellow DiCesare Designs Rhythm Ladies’ Pumpkin umbrella. Congratulations go to Bally for such a prestigious legacy!
When I first started DiCesare, we only had one parasol design (the Parashell). Then I made another (the Kabocha) Pumpkin Parasol and from that a Women’s umbrella was made (the Rhythm) Pumpkin Umbrella. Recently, we have come out with a Men’s umbrella called the GRANDE Pumpkin Umbrella. It is similar to the Rhythm in style but larger and stronger with a more robust handle. Recently TEMPS magazine did a story on it and interviewed me about the design.