松屋銀座でのイベント無事終了しました☆私のお友達も来てくれました。新色のRhythm 1tone Saffron パンプキン傘と一緒にパチリ★いらして下さった皆様有り難うございました!!
パンプキン日傘とパラシェル日傘が、マリリン・デニスの番組に登場した!番組では、この夏、アウトドアで有害物質を使わずに過ごそうという内容だった。ドナ・ビショップはパンプキン日傘と一緒にポーズをとり、マリリンはこのパンプキン日傘を “次の大物 “と呼んだ!
Today was the first day of the the Matsuya 100 Umbrella Exhibition show. The weather was not so nice making it a good day to pick up a nice umbrella! Like the Kabocha Marina Parasol (Navy Dots & Stripes) or a Rhythm Palette Umbrella. They both have UV and Waterproof coating making them great for a Rainy or Sunny day. Heck, these handmade Pumpkin Umbrellas are good ANY day!
Estnation is without question the select shop of choice in Tokyo. I am once again excited to have my latest collection of umbrellas and parasols on sale with such a great select shop. This time we will be having a Trunk Show at two locations! The shows run from May 17th to May 29th at the Roppongi shop and from May 18th to May 29th at the Ginza Shop. Rainy season so now is the time to buy an umbrella!
On May 14th Shiseido opened their new flagship Ginza store, SHISEIDO THE GINZA. To honour the grand opening of this incredible store, we produced a collaboration series of umbrellas and parasols which are available in the Beauty Marche on the 1st floor. Taking the concept of beauty to a new level in Ginza!